— The following Memorial Day observances are scheduled for Monday:
— Bicycle contest at Westmont Hilltop Middle School, 827 Diamond Blvd., Johnstown,
7:30 a.m.; parade on Luzerne Street, 8:30 a.m.; Grandview Cemetery, 801 Millcreek Road, Johnstown, ceremony with state Rep. Bryan Barbin, D-Johns-town, and choral selections by Johnstown Symphony Chorus at 9 a.m.
— Sandyvale Memorial Gardens, 80 Hickory St., Hornerstown section of Johnstown, 8 to 10 a.m.; Mystique hot air balloon rides (weather permitting); 10 a.m. to noon, Memorial Day ceremony with keynote speaker retired Army Brig. Gen. Larry G. Powell, including military units, Scouts, Sons of Union Veterans and auxiliaries, wreath presentation, taps, Civil War 150-year tribute, Korean War 60-year tribute, special recognition National Park Service Underground Railroad tribute; noon to 2 p.m. celebration, including music by South Side Strays, food, children’s activities, pony rides, military and Civil War era exhibits and antique and classic car and motorcycle cruise.
— Patton Borough, parade, led by Cambria Heights marching band, at 9:30 a.m., retired Army Maj. Gen. Clair F. Gill, a Patton native, keynote speaker.
— East Taylor Township, 12:30 p.m., municipal building, 2402 William Penn Ave., Johnstown; Cambria County Commissioner Thomas Chernisky, keynote speaker; honor guard rifle team from Post 155, Veterans of Foreign Wars in Geistown, Pastor Michael Christine of Locust Grove Church of the Brethren, and patriotic music by Joe Chon.
— Windber, parade starts at 10 a.m. at Post 137, American Legion; after parade, service at Windber Veterans Park with guest speaker Lt. Col. Christopher D. McDevitt, commander of the 103rd Engineer Battalion, Pennsylvania Army National Guard.
The event will honor members of the 252nd Engineer Company from Walters Avenue in Johnstown for their service and wish them well as they prepare to deploy to Afghanistan next year.
— Ebensburg, parade at 10 a.m. in downtown; ceremony, 10:30 a.m. In case of inclement weather, the parade will not be held and the ceremony will take place at 10:30 a.m. at Ebensburg Presbyterian Church, 200 N. Center St.
— Portage, 10:30 a.m., Prospect Cemetery, Post 150, American Veterans in Portage service, main speaker will be Keith Maul, an Iraqi War veteran from Portage; other speakers and musical selections by Portage Community Band; 11 a.m., participants travel to Wilmore and Bens Creek honor rolls for services; meal around noon at American Veterans home, 908 Main St., Portage.
— Hollsopple-Benson, 11 a.m., Post 8861, VFW, service at Veterans Memorial Park; main speaker, Lt. Col. Craig A. Minnick, Army Reserve; other speakers will be Crystal Palermini, Benson Borough Secretary; Laura Bivens, Cody Weinzierl and David Yoder, who will read essays they wrote for post contests; and Lowell Shaffer, post chaplain; Joseph A. Gallo, a World War II veteran and most senior member of the post, will be guest of honor.
— Central City, 11 a.m., Veterans Memorial in Central City Community Park; Post 449, American Legion, and Post 7457, VFW service; keynote speaker, Somerset County Commissioner John Vatavuk.
— Lambertsville, 2:30 p.m., service at Lambertsville Cemetery, guest speaker, Rep. Carl Walker Metzgar; presentation by eighth grade American Legion Americanism award recipients; Shanksville-Stonycreek High School band will perform; graveside rites by Shanksville American Legion.
— Pavia, 8:30 a.m., parade, followed by service at Mount Zion Reformed Church remembering the troop withdrawal from Vietnam on March 29, 1973.
Three-part harmony
Texas Tenors will perform at 7:30 p.m. Saturday at Arcadia Theater, 1418 Graham Ave., Windber.
Their performance landed them into the finals of “America’s Got Talent” in 2009, making them the highest ranking vocal group in the show’s history.
Tickets are $35, $37 and $40.
Information: 467-9070 or www.arcadiatheater.net.
Jazz series
The Jazz Along the River series will kick off with the Frank Filia Orchestra from 6 to
9 tonight at St. Mary Byzantine Catholic Church pavilion, Fifth Avenue and Power Street in the Cambria City section of Johnstown.
Ethnic foods, hot dogs, hot sausage, hamburgers and gobs will be available for purchase beginning at 5.
Some chairs will be set up, and those who attend also are invited to bring their own chairs.
Admission is free for each performance, which will go on rain or shine.
Classic musical
“The Fantasticks” will be presented through June 2 at Cresson Lake Playhouse, 279 Shapiro Road, Loretto.
Curtain times are 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays.
Tickets are $17 for adults and $10 for students younger than age 18.
Information: 472-4333 or www.CressonLake.com.
Hats off
The Hat Ladies, Pat Holifield and Marsha McDowell, will present “The Fabulous Hat Show” at 4 p.m. Sunday at Art Works in Johnstown, 413 Third Ave. in the Cambria City section of Johnstown.
Admission is $10. The event is open to the public.
At the hop
An oldies record hop presented by Windber Area Visioning Experience will start at 6 p.m. Sunday at Windber Recreation Park Ballroom, Route 160.
There will be a car and motorcycle cruise-in from 4 to 7, and DJ Lee Mack will be spinning the hits for the record hop.
Food will be available, and admission is $5.
Play ball
Two round-robin baseball events sponsored by Dirtbag Baseball Club and Laurel Auto Group AAABA Baseball will be held today and Monday at Point Stadium, downtown Johnstown.
The games and a youth baseball clinic will benefit Veteran’s Community Initiatives.
Starting at 4:30 p.m. today, the Dirtbag Baseball Club will square off against The Pittsburgh Outlaws and the Portage Gutter Rats.
The Dirtbag Baseball Club coaching staff and the Laurel Auto Group AAABA Baseball team will host a free youth baseball skills clinic for ages 6-12 from 10 a.m. to noon Monday.
A second three-team event will begin at 1 p.m. Monday, with the Dirtbags squared off against the Central Penn Renegades and the Juniata Honey Badgers.
All checks can be made out to the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies.
Proceeds will be given to the Veteran Community Initiative through the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies.
Information: 418-1062 or www.dirtbagbaseballclub.com.
Americana music
Whiskey River Panhandlers, a Johnstown-based Americana quartet, will perform for (Next to) Last Friday at 5:30 p.m. today at the Ethnic Social Club, on the fourth floor of Heritage Discovery Center, 201 Sixth Ave. in the Cambria City section of Johnstown.
Doors will open at 5, and there will be no cover charge.
Weather permitting, the concert will be moved to the courtyard outside.
Information: 539-1889.
In training
Ebensburg Area Running Club is forming a training group to prepare beginning runners to complete a 5k (3.1 mile) race, the Ebensburg Homecoming 5k, which will be held July 27.
The group will meet at 6:15 p.m. Wednesdays, beginning this week, through July 24 at the Central Cambria High School track.
New runners, recreational joggers who can complete one to two miles, and those looking to get back into shape are encouraged to join.
There will be a $20 fee, which will be payable in cash or check at the first training session.
The fee covers training, a T-shirt and the entry fee for the homecoming.
Participants should wear running shoes and comfortable running attire and bring a water bottle.
Runners younger than age 18 must be accompanied by an adult, and all participants are responsible for their own safety.
Information: 472-6772 or email ebensburgrunners@gmail.com.
Teaching painters
An Oil Painting Class for beginning to intermediate artists will be taught by local artist Daniel Helsel from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at Bottle Works Ethnic Arts Center, 411 Third Ave. in the Cambria City section of Johnstown.
The class will begin with a demonstration by Helsel, who will use real props rather than photos for the session.
Class size is limited to allow one-on-one assistance, and students new to oil painting will learn color mixing.
Participants will need to bring paints, brushes, painting medium, a canvas, an easel and a bag lunch.
A detailed supply list will be provided upon request.
The fee is $50, and reservations are required.
Information: 536-5399.
Free celebration
A Day of Joy will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday in the parking lot of Grove Avenue United Methodist Church, Ohio Street in the Moxham section of Johnstown.
The free afternoon will feature food, music by Painted by Millions and Anna Pihs & Friends, children’s crafts, boxing and Johnstown police K9 demonstrations and a drum circle.
Information: 539-8684.
Story times
Weekly storytime sessions will be held from 10 to 10:30 a.m. May 30 in the children’s department of Cambria County Library, 248 Main St., Johnstown.
Following storytime, children are invited to play and socialize in the library’s preschool discovery den playroom.
Drop-in storytime programs are free and will feature stories, songs, fingerplays and other early literacy development activities.
No registration is required, but all children must be accompanied by an adult.
Information: 536-5131 or www.cclsys.org.
Art social
StudioPM, a monthly program offering step-by-step art instruction for all artistic skill levels combined with a social event, will be held from 7 to 10:30 tonight at Venue of Merging Arts, 305 Chestnut St. in the Cambria City section of Johnstown.
Guests will make beaded jewelry with the help of guest instructor Alisa Barnhart of Clementine Designs, Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland County.
The cost is $35 per session, which includes all supplies.
Reservations: http://studiopmapril26.eventbrite.com.
In shape
Fitness programming is shaping up at Bottle Works Ethnic Arts Center, 411 Third Ave. in the Cambria City section of Johnstown.
A four-week session of belly dancing classes will be held Wednesdays beginning the first Wednesday of each month.
The cost is $25, and drop-ins are $8 per class.
Registration: 536-5399.
Book bargains
Friends of the Cambria County Library’s Inclined To Read Bookstore will highlight paperback books during May at the library, 248 Main St., Johnstown.
There also will be CDs, DVDs, cassettes and VHS tapes.
Hardback books are $1 and paperbacks are 25 cents each. Children’s books are 50 cents.
Hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays.
Information: 536-5131.
Performance venue
Scott Jeffreys will lead the Blues Gathering, an invite-only cast of players, from 8 to 11 p.m. Saturday at Venue of Merging Arts, 305 Chestnut St. in the Cambria City section of Johnstown.
Admission is $7 at the door or $5 for VIP admission.
Information: 410-2245.
Fun day
A car cruise and carnival will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. today at Somerset County Technology Center, 281 Technology Drive, Somerset.
A $5 registration fee is required for all vehicles, and the event will be held rain or shine.
Information: 443-3651, ext. 6128.
Historical treats
A Taste of History will be presented from 5:30 at 7:30 p.m. today at Fort Ligonier.
There will be pizza baking in field ovens, refreshments and music by Joe Golden and Pat Petrarca.
The cost is $7 for members of Fort Ligonier Association and $10 for nonmembers.
Reservations: 724-238-9701 or email marketing@
— — —
The Southmont Volunteer Fire Company Jubilee gets underway at 5 p.m. Saturday and will continue through June 1 at the carnival grounds, Southmont ballfield along State Street.
Hours are 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday and June 1 and 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.
Rides and game booths will be featured. Pay-one-price admission will be offered each day.
Individual tickets also are available.
The jubilee parade steps off at 7 p.m. Thursday from Diamond Boulevard.
The kitchen will be open daily at 5 p.m.
All proceeds benefit the fire company.
Band music
Ligonier Valley Middle School ensemble and high school concert band will perform at 7 p.m. Sunday on the Diamond in Ligonier.
Concertgoers should bring their own seating.
In case of rain, the performance will be held in the town hall auditorium.
Information: 724-238-4200 or www.visitligonier.com.
Park events
Memorial Day weekend events at Blue Knob State Park, Schellsburg, will feature: Smokey Bear at 7 p.m. today, Buck Hill amphitheater. Mammal information, 7 p.m. Saturday, Buck Hill amphitheater. Disc golf, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday, Chappell’s Field.
Free fishing all day Monday.
Information: 276-3576.
All aboard
Steam excursions will be held Saturday through Monday through the Gallitzin Tunnels.
Food, refreshments and souvenirs will be available.
Information: 886-8871 or www.gallitzin.info.
Country roads
A tribute to John Denver will be performed by Chris Collins and Boulder Canyon at 7:30 tonight at Mishler Theater, 1208 12th Ave., Altoona.
Tickets are $22.
Information: 944-9434 or www.mishlertheatre.org.
Nerdy comedy
St. Vincent Summer Theater will present the popular comedy “The Nerd” on Thursday, May 31, June 1, June 4-9 and 11-15 at the performing arts center of the Robert S. Carey Student Center on the college’s Latrobe campus.
Performances are 8:10 p.m. Thursday, May 31, June 1, June 4-8 and 11 to 15. Matinees are 2:10 p.m. June 5 and June 9.
Tickets are $10 for Thursday’s preview, $19 for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays,
$22 for Fridays and Saturdays and $16 for matinees.
Senior citizens are eligible for a $2 discount, and student tickets are $10.
Free shuttles will be provided to and from the parking areas.
Reservations: 724-537-8900 or www.svst.org.
Stylish paintings
“Treasured Memories,” an exhibit of oil paintings in the old masters style by Davidsville artist Daniel Helsel, will be on display through June 1 at Bottle Works Ethnic Arts Center, 411 Third Ave. in the Cambria City section of Johnstown.
Helsel will teach an oil painting class May 25 at Bottle Works.
Information: 536-5399.
Industrial images
“An Industrial Revolution: The Photography of Amelia Patsy” will be on display through July 6 at Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art at Johnstown, Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center, Pitt-Johnstown, Richland Township.
Museum hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.
Information: 269-7234.
Mystical art
“Seeing the Invisible: Paintings by Barbara Wachter” will be on display through Dec. 7 at Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art at Loretto on the campus of St. Francis University, Loretto.
Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays.
Information: 472-3920 or www.sama-art.org.
Large art
“Seeing the Big Picture: Larg-er than Life Work from the Permanent Collection” will be on display through June 15 at Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art at Loretto, St. Francis University.
Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays.
Information: 472-3920 or www.sama-art.org.
Historical mail
“Letters to Sala: A Young Woman’s Life in Nazi Labor Camps” will be on display through Aug. 31 at Heritage Discovery Center, 201 Sixth Ave. in the Cambria City section of Johnstown.
Center hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.
Admission is $8 for adults, $7 for seniors and $6 for students. JAHA members are admitted free.
Information: 539-1889.
Donated art
“Highlights from the Permanent Collection: Celebration of the Wolf Family Donations” will be on display through Aug. 4 at Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art at Ligonier Valley, One Boucher Lane and Route 711 South, Ligonier.
Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays and 1 to 5 p.m. weekends.
Information: 724-238-6015 or www.sama-art.org.
Registered artists
“Rostered Artists Revealed” will be on display through Aug. 10 at Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art at Altoona, 1210 Eleventh Ave.
With nearly 40 works in a variety of media, the exhibition highlights works created by artists rostered with SAMA and the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts.
Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays.
Information: 946-4464 or www.sama-art.org.
Photo shoot
“Journey of a Lifetime: The Photography of Christian James” will be on display through
Sept. 7 at the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art at Altoona, 1210 Eleventh Ave.
James is a self-taught photographer whose works are included in the collections of presidents, celebrities and billionaires.
James will speak at a lunch a l’art program at noon June 19.
The cost is $13 or $12 for SAMA members.
Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays and 1 to 5 p.m. Saturdays.
Information: 946-4464 or www.sama-art.org.